Goddess of Night


She comes from somewhere in the east.

When she passes by, the night begins.




She scatters stardust magic when she is walking by.

This magic leads people toward deep restful sleep.





Her hair is black as night.

Her eyes are deep blue like a night lake.



She is wearing a starry sky veil on her beautiful figure.

The mystic beauty makes people forget the bad memories of the day before.



Goddess of Night...

Heal Me


Original doll was birthstone Aquamarine; it has pale skin

Knee length hair was re-rooted

Deep Blue eyes 

Red lips with bluish pearl 


The midnight color dress is silky satin.

It has a smooth, velvety shape.

For the starry veil, I sprinkled glitter on a sheer georgette.

The belt I made looks like a meteor shower.

